Making and Teaching of Traditional TshaTsha Tibetan Buddhism Deity Clay
Handicrafted Tibetan Nepalese Buddhism Bönpo artworks
Art Exhibitions
Travel in Nepal

Nyima Dolma Sundari
Nyima Dolma Sundari produces spiritual and Buddhist-inspired artworks based on traditional Buddhist clay, also known as "tsa-tsa".
Through the creation of her works, she loves to share and to pass on the knowledge of her lineage, the Nyingma Bön Po tradition.
The Legend of Nyima Dolma Sundari according to her Sangha:
It is be difficult to describe Nyima Dolma Sundari in a few sentences. Initially, she was a classic European woman with a life well established according to the norms of society, a catholic education and a preconceived vision of the world. Everything changed after her single encounter with a spiritual master.
During her stay with a Lama family in Nepal, Nyima Dolma went to the temple Hanumannath on the mounts of Mahabaratha with the intention of meeting the patriarch Mopa of the Naljorpa lineage. At first she decided to postpone this meeting, feeling that she had to learn more and to go deeper into various arts prior to this visit.
Thus Nyima Dolma began studying martial arts with her neighbors and the deities’ attributes under the authority of a Tangka master. Martial spirituality is considered an essential part of the study and the understanding of esoteric Buddhism.
After completing her study of martial arts, she turned to the Himalayan ritual dances and became the pupil of a master Naljorpa of Chinese martial lineage.
Not without difficulties, she finally met the Mopa at Qing Ma Temple. She had to be introduced by a disciple of the master. What a surprise when she found out that her own Naljorpa master was the patriarch Mopa she so wanted to meet! Their encounter was strange and revealing.
Nyima Dolma herself tells the story of their first meeting: when the master saw her, he said, "I knew for a long time that you will reach my door and for so long I have been waiting for you! Are you sure you want to follow this path? You seem to have courage and I see light in you that wishes to shine more. What game of life! Mine is coming to an end and there was no one to whom I could pass on these teachings. And finally we meet. Take your tea and let us immediately greet the guides with offerings of incense and flowers!"
In a serene atmosphere, Nyima Dolma followed her master to the hall of consecration to receive the first initiations.
Shortly after this intense encounter, Nyima Dolma received the ritual initiations of her Guru in the Vajra-dhatu Mandala.
Guided by destiny, the flower she threw fell on Guru Rinpoche or Padmasambhava, master of the Nyingmapa lineage, located in the central courtyard. She received her first tsatsa mold, which was of Guru Rinpoche.
Practice after practice, day after day, time had no longer any hold on the mind of the master and disciple. She practiced the rituals of her yidams in the different mandalas.
During her first ritual, her lotus flower fell in the center of the Mandala on the White Tara, the luminous liberator.
Then the flowers fell on Chenrezig and the Rainbow Garuda of transcendental wisdom.
Finally, the Dakini that presented itself in the mandala turned to be Kurukulla "the cause of knowledge".
According to her master, this was an exceptional sign which confirmed the great potential of Nyima Dolma for esoteric teachings and the transmission of knowledge of the lineage.
Since then, Nyima Dolma has been inspired by the precious teachings of her master to develop and share the spiritual art of clay deities.
Her master passed certain old molds of his own collection to her. And after that they continued to acquire other sacred molds of the lineage along their travels and research.