Les Arts Martiaux Himalayens
The traditional Tamang Himalayan warrior art perpetuates a tradition where each training, each practice, each fight, is a spiritual quest.
Martial students of all ages find themselves without social, religious, spiritual or physical considerations.
Tamang martial art then appears as an anomaly in the world of standardized martial arts. Physical strength is not here an end in itself but a means to achieve control of muscles and soul. Practitioners train in all places, and having reached a certain level, the work is carried out on a mat considered as a "sacred enclosure".
The combat surface consists of a delimitation of a superimposed layer of mats. The practitioners are dressed in simple everyday clothes. Women can choose to practice with their traditional dresses, each or everyone practicing in the desired outfit.
A small part of the warm-up are arm grip exercises with fights that also take place on the spot
There is no actual combat but exchanges delivered for the exercise of the body and the spirit. Each attack responds with a defensive movement.
Nyima Dolma Sundari transmet également l'Art Martial Himalayen en physique dans les Alpes-Maritimes, la Région Sud PACA ou partout en France et à l'étranger lors de stages ou séances de Coaching en particulier ou en groupe.
Ces séances sur mesure varient, pouvant aller de l'heure à la semaine. (français ou Anglais)
Les modalités sont définis à la demande en contactant Nyima Dolma Sundari Lama: nyimadolma.sundari@gmail.com